Friday, April 29, 2011

Getting Rid of Hyperpigmentation & Age Spots

Got Spots get Rid of Them Now? Treatingage spots and Hyperpigmentation Part 1

40 is the new 30, or so they say and it’s probably true – except for one thing: your skin. In California, I see a lot of women in their 20′s with age spots from too much sun. It does not matter how old you are, take precautions!

Women like Jennifer Aniston, Julianne Moore, Adriana Lima, and Heidi Klum have all said that they feel sexier in their own skin as they’ve grown older. Confidence goes a long way…but so does taking care of your skin.

No matter how sexy, how confident, and how in shape you are as you get older, you still want to be the complete package, spot free. the years you spent playing in the sun and not taking care of yourself properly can wreak havoc on your skin, especially if we’re not paying attention. I can bet you have met one of those women who tell you their age (ahem, truthfully) and you are shocked, swearing they look about 15 years older, you DON’T want to become that woman.

Sun, wind, stress, dry air, fatigue, alcohol, drugs and more can make our skin age even faster than our bodies. Changes in our body chemistry, alterations to our diet and lifestyle, and illnesses can make our skin discolored; it’s hard to keep sexy and confident when you’ve got spots.

age spots

age spots, also known as liver spots, develop because of age and overexposure to the sun, so all that time you spent tanning poolside are coming back to bite you. your hands, face, arms, shoulders, and chest are the areas most exposed to the sun so they get the most age spots. of course, those are also the areas most visible to that guy you’ve been eyeing at the office. And if having thin hair or going bald isn’t bad enough, you can get spots there too (for the guys out there use sunscreen especially on your head or wear a hat).

Most age spots are various shades of tan and brown, although they can be black or red as well. the deal is that after the age of 30 especially, your skin no longer has as much ability to regenerate after sun exposure but any age is at risk if you are sensitive to the sun. Honey, those are not freckles. So all those sexy women that liked to tan are going to start spotting. And those of you with pale, porcelain skin? Yup, you’re also more likely to develop spots, even if we haven’t spent years laying out in the sun.


Another fun thing to look forward to? Hyperpigmentation. Ladies with , Mediterranean, Latin, or African/Caribbean skin tones are more likely to struggle with this discoloration. Hyperpigmentation is basically the darkening or discoloration of different parts of your skin. Melanin determines our skin coloration; when you’ve got too much in certain areas, then you’re in trouble. your spots may be nothing to be worried about, like age spots (aside from the obvious ‘ick’ factor), but these spots can potentially indicate a deeper problem. Addison’s disease, Cushing’s disease, Celiac disease, Nelson’s syndrome, Tinea fungal infections, mercury poisoning, and more can cause hyperpigmentation of the skin. But chances are very good that if you’ve got these annoying spots, it’s simply due to age, nationality, hormones and, again, too much sun.

In the second part of this article, it’s time to stop cursing those years you’ve spent enjoying the outdoors and find ways to treat these annoyances. And if you haven’t got spots yet but worry that you will? you can find out how to prevent them and keep your smooth, soft skin as sexy as ever.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Treatment for Age Spots & Hyperpigmentation

Treatment for age spots and Hyperpigmentation Part 2

If you’ve got age spots or hyperpigmentation areas, a little effort can go a long way to ridding yourself of these annoyances. Haven’t developed spots or discoloration yet? Stop them in their tracks or prevent them altogether and spend your upcoming years enjoying being your sexy, confident self.

Age Spot Treatment

Chances are you’re not going to be able to drop a lot of money on having surgery to erase these spots from your skin, but still want them gone. there are plenty of options for the woman who wants to feel great, look great, and still be able to pay the bills! Spraying liquid nitrogen directly onto the spots (or more accurately having a dermatologist to do this) can essentially bleach these unattractive spots from your skin. Chemical peels have also had great success in minimizing or eliminating age spots, plus they can provide your skin with other help as well. But take note – those with lighter hair colors and blue eyes are the lucky ones that will have the most success with a chemical peel. Wanting a less expensive and invasive route? Simpler ways of handling age spots include increasing your intake of vitamin C and using a retinol cream daily. the best part of that method is that both aspects pack lots of other benefits in as well.

Hoping to avoid age spots or just stop them where they are? In one word: sunscreen. Lots of sunscreen. every day. Whether it’s sunny or not, you need to wear sunscreen cause those clouds aren’t stopping UV rays from getting through to you. Lots of moisturizers and even foundations include sunscreen already, so pick one with an SPF of at least 15 and use it every day. Simple. Easy.


If you start developing areas of hyperpigmentation, hold off in treating them til you’ve seen your doctor. once your doctor has given you the go-ahead (and knows you don’t have any underlying medical problems), then you can launch a massive frontal attack. Using products with one or more of the following ingredients: kojic acid, azelaic acid, Retinol, hydroquinone, and ascorbic or alpha hydroxaic acids can help fade these spots. your doctor or dermatologist may even have a cream that will take these spots away – prescription creams with these ingredients can be highly effective. Freezing your skin with liquid nitrogen, chemical peels, dermabrasion, and other surgical procedures can help with both age spots and hyperpigmentation. Laser treatments are another expensive option to help treat hyperpigmentation, but you shouldn’t need anything that serious if you try some of the other options first. and remember that your skin to years to develop these spots; they aren’t going to go away overnight.

There’s only so much you can do to prevent hyperpigmentation – age and medical conditions decide a lot of what happens. But if you really want to make sure your skin stay fresh and gorgeous for a long time, there are a few avenues you can go down. Avoid skin lightening products of any kind; they just increase risk of hyperpigmentation, which pretty much destroys the whole point of what you were trying to do. use sunscreen daily as well, even if you lucked out with beautiful, rich, darker skin tones.

Our bodies age and God knows we’ve tried to stop them. But growing older isn’t the way it once was – lots of sexy, attractive older women have paved the way and shown us that life doesn’t end after 40. So embrace your age, embrace your sex appeal, and embrace that sunscreen and retinol, and keep on rocking your way.

No go on and treat & prevent age spots & hyperpigmentation!! I will be posting some proven skincare products to help very soon!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Hyperpigmentation Treatment

hyperpigmentation treatment  picIn order to understand how hyperpigmentation treatment can work you need to understand what hyperpigmentation is and what causes it.

Hyperpigmentation is a disorder in which areas of an individual’s nails or skin become darker than the rest of their skin. This darkening is usually caused by excessive production of melanin in the skin cells.

Causes for excessive melanin production can include, hormone changes in the body, damage from the sun, injury to you skin, and diseases such as melasma, Celiac, and Addison’s disease.

Hyperpigmentation treatment medications including topical solutions, and herbal treatments and lotions will help lighten the discolored areas and reduce the overall appearance of the hyperpigmentation..

Hyperpigmentation treatment for mild skin cases such as melasma induced by hormone changes such as pregnancy can be quite simple. In most cases the darker patches fade after pregnancy, and no treatment is necessary. If not, the patches often respond to treatment with prescription creams or other natural skin lighteners. This type of hyperpigmentation treatment is also useful for treating age spots also known as liver spots. Dark patches caused by most types of acne, and patches on the skin. In all of these cases applying small amounts of a skin lightener will help lighten darker patches of skin. Avoiding exposure to the sun is also important, as even small amounts of sun exposure can cause enough melanin production to give you patches of darker skin.

There are several different over-the-counter and prescription medications which can be used for hyperpigmentation treatment. These products usually include alpha-hydroxy acids or Alpha Arbutin, Kojic Acid, and retinoid. Most of these skin lightener products including hydroquinone, are slow-acting, and must be applied to the dark patches for several weeks or months before hyperpigmented patches of skin will begin to lighten. It’s important to remember that you should always cease using a skin lightener immediately if your skin reddens and becomes painful or itchy.

While most forms of hyperpigmentation treatment involve the use of topical medications applied to the skin area dermabrasion can also be used as a treatment. This type of hyperpigmentation treatment is called cryosurgery, and involves applying small amounts of liquid nitrogen to the hyper pigmented areas of skin. This treatment works but is expensive because melanin-producing cells are sensitive to cold. In some cases, however, the application of liquid nitrogen can have the opposite effect, and actually darken areas of hyperpigmentation. Our recommendation is to first try using some type of natural skin lightener or prescription skin lighter for a period of time before tying dermabrasion.