Saturday, August 10, 2013

Positively Beautiful: Facts about skin hyperpigmentation

The summer sun may bring out the best in us, but it can also bring out hyperpigmentation spots on our skin.
Hyperpigmentation is a long word for brown irregular patches that make skin tone uneven. It can be hormone-mediated due to pregnancy or birth control pills. Or it can be related to inflammation caused by sun exposure, heat or trauma.
I see it frequently in my office, and it can affect men and women of all ethnic backgrounds. Those with more natural melanin in their skin have more issues with hyperpigmentation.
Melanin is pigment produced by cells called melanocytes in the lower layers of the skin. The color of your skin, hair and eyes is the result of melanin.
Problems result when the melanocytes are overstimulated and produce extra melanin or the cells themselves over-proliferate and cause hyperpigmented skin areas.
This is rarely a case for major medical worry, except in conjunction with other illnesses. Yet its presence really bothers patients. I hear that people are asked if their faces are dirty. And of course the children in our lives point out all of our imperfections and spots.
Hyperpigmentation is associated with a number of diseases or conditions, such as:
E Addison’s disease
E Cushing’s disease
E Acanthosis nigrans (related to insulin resistance)
E Hemachromatois (excessive iron stores)
E Celiac disease
E Smoker’s melanosis
E Melasma (related to pregnancy hormones and birth control pills can be resistant to treatment)
E Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) occurs following skin injury from acne lesions and cysts, psoriasis, burns, friction and even certain professional skin care treatments like upper lip waxing, peels and lasers. A bra strap, collar or underwire can cause PIH. A warm laptop can even turn the tops of your upper legs brown, so use a lapdesk.
It starts to fade when the offending item is removed or the injury heals. The process may take weeks to months, and topical or laser treatments can be helpful.
E Lentigoes is the fancy word for freckles, sunspots and liver spots. They become more prevalent with age, but this is related to ultraviolet ray exposure over time, not the aging process itself.
A large pigmented spot should be checked out for lentigo maligna, which is a potential melanoma precursor. When in doubt about any pigmented lesion or spot, get it checked, even if you’ve had it for a long time. Melanoma can arise from a pre-existing mole.
E Topical creams containing ingredients such as kojic acid, alpha hydroxy acids, azelaic acids, ascorbic acid, retinol and licorice extracts can be found in over the counter product lines. Higher concentration hydroquinone and retinoid products require a prescription.
E Skin peels can be helpful to minimize pigment related to sun damage, but requires an experienced provider and careful follow-up.
E IPL (Photofacial) is a patient favorite. It is like a broadband laser that particularly focuses on melanin. Treatment takes about 20 to 30 minutes, and a series of treatments are usually done. The melanin is released from the cell and comes to the surface over five to seven days. Skin looks a bit peppered during this time, but when the process is complete, the skin tone and texture is improved.
E Sunscreen proves that your best defense is a good offense. Be proactive and use a broad spectrum physical block with a sun protection rating of at least 30 SPF. Look for zinc and titanium under the ingredients.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

How to Get Rid of Dark Spots - tips 8 of 10

8th way to help fade dark spots - papaya

Papaya, green unripe papaya in particular, is known for its beauty benefits pertaining to the skin because it contains alpha hydroxyl acids. It contains an enzyme called papain that inhibits tyrosinase, the enzyme which is used by the pigment-producing cells to make melanin. Thus, it clears dark spots and helps even out the skin tone. Therefore, apply the pulp of green papaya on your dark spots for about 15 minutes daily.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Anti Aging Skin Care

Coco Chanel once said, "In 20 decades, we have a individual who has given the characteristics of 30 - that shaped the lifestyles and 50 - that we are entitled to." How and at what age to begin "deserve" a wonderful skin? Age and healthy epidermis good care - the main idea of the article.

Like most Ukrainian ladies to their own viewpoint healthy epidermis good care I was by experimentation. 11 decades since the begin twice a day to clean with the water and detergent in the early morning and still clean the experience with ice from the infusion of chamomile tea. Generally, the technique is appropriate. But I was really economical: instead go with a piece of ice on the epidermis and toss away the scraps, I basically "freeze out" experience, until all is dissolved, Why do good to disappear? I think, therefore I have now delicate, dilated veins on the experience. And in secondary school sweetheart trained to do shedding ... desk sodium. The same technique is quite affordable - some include sodium outfits. But, first, the sea. Second, tight percentage. And most of all - the gems go through a special therapy basically "are floor." However, this type of shedding is stressful enough and is not suggested to entrepreneurs of the delicate greasy epidermis. It is now I purpose so properly, and then refused the technique of "salt exfoliation" only because of its unaesthetic. Similar tests have been many, and at an beginning age, they are unavoidable - we are girls! But some mistakes individual does not absolve. Because adolescence is essential to understand how our epidermis works to route the energy in a relaxing course. The most query - when to begin to manage epidermis. I would say that with the start of monthly periods (and they may be at 10, iv13, iv15 years). During this period, there are first quality epidermis changes due to hormone changes when the skin sebaceous glands are working particularly effective. The tissues are known to be consistently modified and remove.