Wednesday, June 11, 2008

New C02 Laser Technology for A Youthful Look

Wrinkles are not well received by most people. Women, who like to retain their beauty and youthful looks, go to any length to get rid of their wrinkles. Even men are conscious of their looks. Older men also prefer to hide their wrinkles. Surgery is not the most acceptable way out. It is a tedious process and is expensive.

Wrinkle sufferers are always on the lookout for a new technology, which would help them get rid of their wrinkles. They would prefer a method of removal, which is not painful and is a better option to surgery.

Why New C02 Laser Technology?

Several physicians adopted the CO2 laser technology to treat wrinkles. This technology changed the appearance and surface of the skin. This treatment resulted in the permanent loss of pigmentation, prolonged redness, scarring and not so natural waxy appearance.

Now one can go in for the “fraxel re:pair, a latest advancement in CO2 laser technology. The effect of microscopic beams is only a portion of the skin, which leads to the creation of columns of skin, which is laser treated and is surrounded by normal skin. This new method will rejuvenate the aged skin.

This new technology also stimulates the collagen. As a result of this, a person sees continued improvement, even after some weeks of treatment.

The Fraxel re:pair tightens the skin on the neck and face. Several women apply sunscreen only on the face, but do not apply on the neck. As result of this, their necks look older than their face.

Fraxel re:pair also helps treat skin that has been damaged by the sun. It is useful in treating skin, which is of dark pigment. It gets rid of acne scars. It is a relief for acne sufferers, who need not cope up with the ugly sight of acne scars.

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