Thursday, April 23, 2009

Can you get rid of Dark Circles under the Eyes?

Dark circles under the eyes can effectively play down the beauty of even the most spectacular set of eyes. They also give the entire face a tired and haggard look.

Those annoying dark circles under your eyes are visible to everyone. As your eyelids and the skin directly under your eyes are particularly tender and sensitive areas of the epidermis, it is the most vulnerable area of your face. Therefore you need to have a better understanding of it to keep those dark circles at bay. Read on to know more.

What Causes Dark Circles
Your lifestyle, diet and hereditary disposition have a direct link with your skin. The appearance of dark circles is a sure sign of someone who is not in good health, either due to stress or poor habits.

The culprit is generally a combination of sun damage, heredity, allergies, aging and lack of sleep. Lack of sleep tends to cause the skin to become paler and reduces circulation.

But, sometimes you get them even if you get enough sleep and are stress free. In that case, there is a possibility that your age is the culprit.

Years of sun damage causes microscopic blood vessels to loose their stability below your eyes, therefore adding to the problem. The layer of fat underneath your eyes actually thickens with time and gives the illusion of dark circles.

In some cases, dark circles under the eye may also be light carbon deposits that result from incomplete protein digestion. Allergies are another common cause of skin discoloration under the eyes.

How to minify dark circles?
Start with a blood test with your doctor, to find the real cause of the dark circles under your eyes. Find out whether or not this condition runs in your family as heredity is believed to be the most common cause behind dark circles.

Allergies may cause skin discoloration under the eyes. If this is so, identify the allergens and undergo the required treatment.

Inadequate sleep results in dark circles under the eyes, so never go short on sleep. Reduce your stress and develop healthy habits to ensure that you get a good night sleep.

How to Check the Problem
Applying cool tea bags or cucumber slices to your eyes daily and leaving them on your eyes for about 10-15 minutes, preferably in the morning works wonders. Both tea bags and cucumbers are known to reduce inflammation and decrease swelling.

Buy a good under eye cream, containing vitamin K and retinol as deficiency of vitamin K does causes dark circles. These under eye creams reduce puffiness and discoloration significantly. Use them for a long time for best results.

Eat a healthy, balanced diet, take vitamins, and drink plenty of water. A host of cosmetic problems can be attributed to vitamin deficiencies. Dark circles and puffiness are often attributed to lack of vitamin K or inadequate antioxidantsdefine.

Reduce salt intake as excess salt causes the body to retain water in unusual places and this can result in puffiness under the eyes. Also quit smoking as smoking causes vasculardefine problems and make your blood vessels appear more prominent and bluer beneath the skin.

Some quick fixes for dark circles
Try using a concealer. For example, using yellow tones will neutralize the blues, purples and husky hues on the skin. This of course is not a permanent solution but can build your confidence for the day, by hiding those dark circles and giving you a healthy look.

Can’t get rid of them still?
If the above guidelines and tips are not working, then most probably your problem is hereditary and tougher to treat. The best way out is to supplement your treatment regimen with simple cover-up techniques. Search for a liquid or powder concealer that matches your skin tone and gently dab a little under your eyes in the morning.

Corrective laser surgery is another option for people determined to get rid of their dark circles. Lots of people have had success using this technique. If you're concerned that the dark circles under your eyes are a serious health issue, then consult a doctor about the possibility of liver or kidney problems.

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