Friday, January 1, 2010

Male Age Spots

Historically men have ignored their health to a great degree, especially when it comes to something as trivial as male age spots. But as a man gets to be in his thirties and begins to see health issues cropping up among his peers, he begins to get nervous. Usually not nervous enough to see a doctor on his own.

For that there seems to be an intervention needed by a caring wife, girlfriend, sister or mother. Of course there are guys mature enough to look after themselves, but sad to say the majority prefer to stick their heads in the sand, much like an ostrich.

Serious symptoms may scare a man enough to seek help. Or vanity issues like balding. And surely they will seek help for erectile dysfunction. They'll try anything to fix that and it's understandable. But when it comes to something as trivial as male age spots, a guy will tend to ignore them. After a while, though, as the brown spots become more prominent, no man will be happy to walk around with male age spots.

I have personally recommended a whitening cream to men in my circle who have that problem. There are now whitening creams that are head and shoulders above anything that has existed in the past. The new science of anti aging has found a way to help guys who have been clueless about damage they've been accumulating, for years, from the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Just try and get a guy to apply a good layer of sunblock when he's going to be out in the sun. Not easy. Not until he gets older and begins to see age creeping up. That's when panic starts to set in. When he finally realizes his wrinkles and brown spots were caused by the sun, he may finally change his tune.

It's always easier to avoid getting damage than to have to reverse it, but thankfully it can now be done. Yes, you really can reverse sun damage and you really can get rid of male age spots. So, do not despair. Help is on the way. Here's what you must do:

Get a whitening cream that reduces your melanin output by almost half. A cream that will be full of antioxidants to enable you to fight off the sun's rays when you are outside. Use it daily and watch your skin tone even out. Your male age spots will melt away without applying a single harmful chemical. Not only will your skin become all one color, but its texture will improve due to other youth giving ingredients.

You will no longer have to go to a doctor to get brown spots burned off by a laser or acid. You should breathe a sigh of relief at this bit of news. These procedures can be costly and will cause you discomfort and misery.

Worse yet, those tenacious brown spots will most likely come back once you go in the sun again. Also, you don't have to resort to using bleaching creams that are irritating to your skin. Bleaching creams end up bleaching the entire area surrounding the brown spots, not just the spots themselves.

Remember that a good whitening cream won't allow you to get so dark in the first place. The tan you get from being out in the sun is actually melanin. Your body makes melanin in order to protect you from the sun. But your new whitening cream will cut your melanin production in almost half and yet protect you twice as much.

You see, as you get older the melanin is often uneven anyway, darker in some places than others. This causes brown spots and people associate these brown spots with getting older. When they appear on a man people call them male age spots.

No man wants to hear that he's got anything with the word age in it. So ladies, help your guy stay looking young and feeling sexy. Clue him in about a good whitening cream. He'll thank you for it.

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