Sunday, November 27, 2011

How Do I Get Rid Of Eye Freckles

Dark circles under your eyes may be due to a tendency to have darker skin, excess fat deposits under the lower eyelid, or several other factors. There are some non-surgical as well as surgical ways to remove these circles.

Getting more sleep should help with the dark circles under your eyes. You may need to catch up on sleep for several nights before the dark circles improve.

Excellent hydration also helps with eliminating or helping dark circles under the eyes. Some people think that dehydration in general causes dark circles, however, others think that abnormal fat deposits may cause dark circles under the eyes. Regardless of the cause, well hydrated lower eyelid skin may help improve your lower eyelid skin tone.

Tightening the skin naturally with cucumbers or other health spa products will also help with your overall skin tone.

Excellent skin care, including using vitamin C products, medical grade eye creams, and Retin-A may help tighten your skin more than over-the-counter products. The most commonly used product products is the Elastiderm eye cream made by Obagi. All of these products will improve your lower eyelid skin color and tone, and also help to reduce dark circles under the eyes.

An injection of a dermal filler, such as Juvederm XC, may plump up and fill the soft tissue around the dark circle, to make it less noticeable. You will probably need only 1 syringe for both eyes, and you may even have some left over for other areas of your face. However, a dermal filler injection will not necessarily completely eliminate a dark circle.

The most complete and lasting option to eliminate a dark circle under the eye is a lower eyelid liftsurgery. This allows your eyelid fat to be removed and repositioned. If you need a filler agent, then your own fat can be used. Your eyelid skin can be lift, tightened, and repositioned. However, the downside is that this is a true surgical procedure, with the associated surgical risks and recovery time needed after wards.


Julia said...

Juvederm is a great solution but only if it's done by a specialist.
It's advantage is the hyaluronic acid in its composition, but the risk of side effects is also present.
My recommendation is to pay more for quality services if we want to have good results.

Julia, Skin Vitality complaints

Unknown said...

As we know that Traditional methods are quite tough for get tighten skin. Pomegranate and Cucumber both are best fruits for skin which gives whiten and tighten skin. I have made homemade tighten recipe from Cucumber, avocado and Pomegranate.
skin tightening

stomgatz said...

This post is very good looking and useful information post. Thanks for sharing this Freckles post