Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Depigmentation of the Skin

De pigmentation of the skin refers to the absence of melanin in skin cells. The skin is made up of special cells called melanocytes. Melanocytes are also known as stem cells because the cells that produce melanin in the skin. Melanin is the role of protecting cells from the skin cells and tissues of the sun acts as a sunscreen and pigment-producing cells. Pigment cells are the pigment of the skin. They are present in the skin in three different colors (black, yellow and dark brown).

Pigmentation of the skin shows when excessive pigment cells but if the required amount of melanin cells decrease or disappear from the skin and skin depigmentation becomes, changing the color of the skin naturally.

How are you to know that the skin is discolored or not? The appearance of white spots or patches on the affected skin areas mucous layer of the skin, change the color of hair, loss of eye sight due to injury in the retina of the eye are all symptoms of depigmentation skin.

Referring to the loss of lower productivity cells with melanin in the skin, other causes of skin pigmentation is heredity, physical damage, physical illness, adverse effects of drugs on health, beatings sun, autoimmunity, including thyroid deficiency.

The appearance of depigmentation of the skin may be possible in all stages and ages. Above all, it affects people after age 35. Like many people suffer from both a lot of diseases, thus changing the likelihood of skin color are fairly equal.

The healing of skin depigmentation is impossible. The treatment invented by medical science can simply replay the cells to produce melanin in the skin, but cannot return the patient's skin color original.

Treatments for skin pigmentation in psychotherapy, photo chemotherapy, PUVA, oral therapy with psoralens, topical psoralens, homeopathic treatment / allopathic, ayurvedic treatment, steroid therapy and skin grafting through a blistering, skin grafts, melanocytes reproduction techniques, the use of topical applications, such as vegetable oils, sunscreens, lotions, etc. for the treatment of white spots or patches of vitiligo.

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