Do you suffer from unsightly dark circles also referred to as periorbital dark circles, which have a tendency to dwell underneath your eyes making you look older, sleep deprived, stressed, exhausted and unhealthy?
Are the fingers on your hands not enough to count the times you’ve had to mask them with base, powder, concealer, dark circle cover-up creams or anything that would do the vanishing trick?
In order to understand what will diminish the visibility of dark circles on you and why, it’s crucial to know if you’re unconsciously invigorating their prominence and find-out why they appear in the first place. The skin’s thinness and semi-transparentness around the eye coupled with the numerous blood vessels flowing directly beneath the periorbital tissue explains the science behind dark circles and the reason for which they have a bluish or purplish hue to them.
Causes of Dark Circles
Dark circles, as height and skin color, may be hereditary making some individuals more prone to them than others, in spite of the lifestyle led. It may also be caused by the shadow cast by a inset bone structure.
Moreover, as one ages, one’s skin gets inevitably thinner being the already sensitive and a millimeter thick skin surrounding one’s eyes no exception. As the skin weakens, the blood vessels become more noticeable and hence, dark circles gradually emanate from the skin.
Sun exposure adversely affects dark circles, because of the sun’s rays weakening effects on skin tissue and its role in igniting hyperpigmentation beneath the eyes.
Allergies may also contribute to dark circles; not the type of allergy, but in the moment of an allergic reaction. For instance, when someone experiences an allergic response, lets say from pollen or dust, the eyes swell, itch and experience irritation. This will naturally cause the individual to scratch and rub his or her eyes, which will weaken the periorbital skin tissue and will further produce dark circles. This is also true for eczema.
Dark Circles may be a sign of iron deficiency (anemia), since a lack of iron results in a reduction in the production of hemoglobin. It may also develop due to the body’s inability to absorb iron. The hemoglobin protein has the function of circulating oxygen to the tissues and lungs. A reduction in oxygen will result in paler skin making blood vessels more noticeable and in this way; it will trigger the emergence of dark circles.
Not drinking enough water prevents your body from removing toxins efficiently, impeding the maintenance of healthy cells and vibrant looking skin. According to Mayo Clinic, if you’re a female you should be drinking 9 cups of water and if you’re male, you should be drinking 13 cups of water daily.
Lastly, lets shed some light on the not so wise lifestyle choices, the dark circle friendly ones. Smoking, alcohol consumption and an appetite for salty dishes promotes fluid retention, causing your blood capillaries to dilate and engorge, and voila, you get dark circles. Sleep deprivation is also linked to dark circles, as it makes skin paler turning the numerous blood capillaries visible.
Vitamins for Dark Circles
vitamin A, C, K and E intake could lead to dark circles. Why? First of all, vitamins A, C and E are antioxidants, meaning that they protect one’s cells from free radicals.
Vitamin A found in many anti-aging serums and creams aids in keeping your skin healthy, prevents it from thinning and is vital for the repair of any damaged skin tissues.
Vitamin C promotes the production of collagen being collagen a protein which tightens, thickens and plumps skin. On top of this, vitamin C promotes the absorption of iron.
Besides, fending off harmful agents to the skin, vitamin E regulates the production of vitamin A.
Vitamin K plays a fundamental role in keeping one’s circulatory system as well as one’s bones in top shape. It aids broken blood capillaries’ healing beneath one’s eyes, because of its ability to clot blood. When there isn’t enough vitamin K, as blood capillaries weaken and deteriorate, blood is leaked; in this case, to the periorbital tissue producing dark circles with a bluish tint (due to deoxygenated blood).
Home Remedies for Dark Circles
Cucumber slices upon the eyes have long been used in spas, because of its cooling and refreshing properties; it sloughs of dead skin to reveal younger and fresher skin. They are known to cure eyes’ puffiness, itchiness and to hydrate the skin (since they’re mostly made up of water). You could also liquefy a cucumber and apply its juice on your eyes with cotton balls. Cucumber slices or juice is meant to be applied from 15 to 20 minutes.
Potatoes contain a skin lightening ingredient called catecholase, which in turn may help rid the skin beneath the eyes of dark circles. You could cut thin potato slices and apply them onto your eyes, or alternatively, chop up the potato, throw it into your blender until you get a puree-like consistency. Then, simply apply to eyes. Potato slices or their purées, like cucumbers are meant to be place on eyes for 15 to 20 minutes.
Placing green tea bags upon your eyes is yet another inexpensive home remedy for dark circles. Green Tea, besides containing antioxidants (which soothe the skin), possesses tannins that actively constrict blood vessels diminishing puffiness and swelling (due to its astringent properties). Black Tea is also optimal for treating dark circles as it contains antioxidants and caffeine. Caffeine helps get rid of excess fluid that accumulates beneath the eyes. Tea Bags aren’t meant to use dry, but only after making tea and letting them cool down in the refrigerator. Only then may you place on eyes for approximately 15 minutes. Also note that in spite of chamomile tea known for its anti-inflammatory properties, other herbal teas won’t do the trick.