Monday, November 10, 2008

Don’t Suffer From Unsightly Age Spots

With such a high divorce rate in our country, there are a staggering number of middle-aged men and women searching in the populace for a mate again. It doesn’t seem fair, but there is clearly evidence that youthful looks and attractive appearance are factors in workplace advancement. While facelifts, hair dying, collagen injections and anti wrinkle cream are popular anti-skin aging treatments, there’s still that problem of the brown “liver” or age spots covering your arms. Happily, there are some options for alleviating that as well.

UV rays, tanning beds and excess sunlight are generally the culprits behind the darker pigmentation, but as we age, the body produces extra melanin, which also contributes to the appearance of “liver” spots. There are other speculations. Shifting hormone levels from pregnancy or birth control pills have also been blamed for these spots. Some researchers even believe that handling psoralens, such as parsnips, limes and parsley before going out in the sun increases your likelihood of getting age spots. Medicine culprits may include antibiotics like Tetracycline, diuretics (water pills) and antipsychotics, like Thorazine. Often, however, the tendency to have age spots is simply hereditary.

Before using any skin treatments, it is a good idea to get professional medical advice regarding your “liver spots”. As with any skin lesion, they could be a cancerous form such as melanoma.This type of skin cancer, Lentigo Maligna Melanoma, generally develops as a result of long-term exposure to the sun. This cancer begins with tan or brown lesions that slowly darken and enlarge. In addition, these cancer generally have irregular borders, are slightly raised, and show uneven coloring.

Assuming you are not dealing with cancerous melanoma, there are many options for lightening and eliminating these spots. Many of the prescription creams like Reversa HQ and Neo Strats HQ contain a harsh substance called Hydroquinone. Some patients try applying the creams every other day to strengthen their tolerance, while others opt to use mild steroids to ease the side effects over the next few months, while the age spots are fading.

We prefer Revitol Skin Brightener Cream which uses plant-based ingredients to reduce the appearance of dark spots including freckles and uneven pigmentation. Revitol keeps skin soft and moisturized; brightens the appearance of trouble spots safely. I don’t know about you, but when I put something directly on my skin I like to know it contains no mercury or other harmful ingredients. I don’t know how long this deal will last, but as of this writing, they are offering Two Free bottles with your purchase.

Our favorite treatment for age spots, however, is Meladerm Pigment Reducing Complex. It gets rid of dark spot and reduces the appearance of skin discolorations and hyperpigmentation in just 2 weeks and is particularly effective for age spots, sun damage, melasma, acne scars, birthmarks and freckles. There is no risk in trying this product since it comes with a 100% money-back guarantee.

Another popular option is laser therapy to combat spots and repair damaged skin by destroying excess melanocytes. Laser treatment requires several visits and may be expensive, but the results are effective, with “liver” spots usually disappearing within weeks. With a very low probability for scarring, this is a rewarding option. This skin solution can be ideal for more serious cases, but it is quite expensive.

For the brave or desperate, chemical peels are an alternative for pesky age spots. Slow and painful as it may be, chemical peels do work well over several treatments. These chemicals act like a severe sun burn, causing the skin to peel and promoting a smooth, delicate skin finish underneath. Chemical peels have also been used as a successful skin treatment for acne and eye wrinkles. But whenever you go out into the sun, be sure to apply sunscreen generously!

For more information and to find great deals on all skincare products, visit today.

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