Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Layers of Your Skin

by Herb B. Lewis

The skin is the largest organ in human body; it is the covering that protects our insides from the harsh world outside. Skin protects our organs from being open to all the nasty bugs in the outside that want to get inside. Problems with the skin can leave the internal organs open to all kinds of infections. Skin protects you inner organs and your inner organs feed your skin. If you are not healthy on the inside your skin will not look good on the outside. The health of your skin is a reflection of the health of your insides.

Skin has two layers, epidermis, dermis and then there is the subcutaneous fat layer, the inner layer.

The Epidermis The epidermis is the outer, visible layer of the skin. A large percent of the cells in the epidermis are keratinocyte cells, they make a sturdy, well-built, protein called keratin. On the bottom layer of the epidermis melanocyte cells make a dark pigment called melanin. This is melanogenesis, melanin is in the skin, eyes, and hair. Melanin gives the skin color that protects it from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. The epidermis without melanin is translucent, it allows light to pass through it. It does not have a blood supply or nervous supply; it gets oxygen and nutrition from the layers of skin below it.

The Dermis The dermis layer lies just below the epidermis. The dermis layer has nerve endings, blood vessels and hair roots; it also has oil glands, sebaceous glands and sweat glands. Blood vessels in the dermis provide nourishment to the skin cells in the epidermis and help keep the body’s temperature within range. Temperature changes that can influence the sensitive organs below stimulate nerves to tell the body to warm up or cool down.

Sweat glands help to keep our body’s temperature from getting too high. Sweat also helps our body flush out nasty toxins that pile up if they don’t get out in someway. Sweat is antibacterial to keep microorganism from getting deeper.

Sebaceous glands are all over human skin except in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. The sebaceous glands open into hair follicles to give your hair shine and nutrients. Too much nutrition and your hair will get oily. The sebaceous glands deposit sebum on the hair, this comes to the skin’s surface up the hair shaft. Sebaceous glands make sebum out of fat (lipids), the debris of dead fat producing cells and keratin. Keratin is a nutritionally useless protein that is the chief constituent of hair. Sebum is odorless, but the bacterial breakdown can give off odors. Earwax is part sebum. Sebum is there to protect and waterproofs skin, and keep it from being dry. It also inhibits the growth of bugs on your skin and hair.

The Subcutaneous Fatty Layer The innermost layer just below the two skin layers is the subcutaneous fatty layer; it lies just below the dermis. The subcutaneous fatty layer is also called the hypodermis, hypoderm, subcutaneous tissue, or superficial fascia. This is the layer the hair follicles grow. The subcutaneous fatty layer cushions and holds the organs in place so they can move a little but not too much. It is also an insulation to keep too much of the body’s hard earned heat from leaking to the outside and the cold from getting in.

Clumps of fat filled cells called adipose cells make up the subcutaneous fatty layer. Adipose cells store energy in the form of fat. Adipose cells are also around internal organs, and in the bone marrow in depots called adipose depots. Adipose tissue’s main reason for being is to be a reserve of lipids, which your body burns for energy. This layer is a different thickness in different place for each person.

The subcutaneous fatty layer contains larger blood vessels and nerves. The subcutaneous fat lies on the muscles and bones. The attachment is a little loose; this gives it all room to move. Too much fat in the subcutaneous tissues and you get cellulite.

A good skin care regimen has nothing to do with the latest makeup tips. Your skin is a mirror that reflects the qualities of your inner health. No amount of make-up can hide the look of unhealthy skin. Healthy skin is attractive even without makeup.

The best skin care regimen starts with you taking care of yourself from the inside. Eat your fruits and vegetables, drink lots purified water to improve the moisture of your skin, as well as improving your overall health. Moisture is what you need to make your skin firm and elastic.

Nothing in this essay should be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Nothing in this essay is approved by the Food & Drug Administration to treat of any disease.

About the Author:

This acne skin care advice was brought to you by Herb B. Lewis. For more of his advice on skin care visit: Visit Years to Your Health

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