Sunday, August 29, 2010

Dark Circles Treatment – How To Treat Dark Circles Under Eyes Read more: Dark Circles Treatment – How To Treat Dark Circles Under Eyes |

Dark circles is common non-hormonal skin problem. Dark circles under the eyes are caused by a very specific physiological mechanism. There are many contributing factors to the development of these dark circles and even more things that can make them worse. What Can I Do About Dark Circles Under the Eyes?Dark circles under the eyes are a fact of life.

Many people assume they’re caused by not getting enough sleep, and they’re right. Lack of sleep can make skin look pale, allowing blood vessels to show through and give the appearance of dark circles. But there are other causes of dark circles So What Causes Dark Circles?There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms.

Many people assume they’re caused by not getting enough sleep, and they’re right. Lack of sleep can make skin look pale, allowing blood vessels to show through and give the appearance of dark circles. But there are other causes of dark circlesSo What Causes Dark Circles?There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms.

Men and women suffering from allergies, hay fever, and even asthma experience congestion in the fine veins below the eyes resulting in dark circles. Hormonal changes can also be the reason for the dark circles. Pregnancy and taking birth control pills are just two examples of hormonal changes that occur in the body.Treatments For Dark CirclesThere is no shortage of cures for bags and dark circles under the eyes. These treatments range from applying skin cream to the affected area to minor surgery. A home remedy just might do the trick in clearing up those dark circles without you having to spend a lot of money.

Simply applying cool tea bags or cool cucumber slices under the eyes will reduce swelling and fluid retention bringing some relief. With so many skin creams on the market, you may find it a challenging to choose the right one. As a rule of thumb, do a little research on the product in question. Skin cream reviews can be easily found online. Then, select a product that works well with your skin type. Resist the temptation to try multiple skin cream products at the same time. Using multiple products makes it difficult in knowing which one is producing results.For people with dark skin, lightening agents are an option.

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