Saturday, September 4, 2010

How to Remove Age & Brown Spots


Age spots, also known as liver spots, are the skin's natural response to sun damage. Although often occurring in older adults, age spots have nothing to do with your age, according to the Mother Nature website. Age spots occur as small, smooth patches of discolored skin, affecting the shoulders, face, arms and back of the hands. Although there is no cure for age spots, you can effectively fade the discoloration while further protecting your skin from additional sun damage.

Step 1

Apply an over-the-counter or prescription hydroquinine cream to age spots with a cotton ball. Daily application of hydroquinine cream will help to fade unsightly age spots, according Mother Nature. Hydroquinine cream treatment takes 1 to 2 months before results are noticeable.

Step 2

Consult your dermatologist for cryotherapy treatments. Cryotherapy uses liquid nitrogen to freeze age spots and break down excess melanin, according to As the skin heals, age spots fade from the skin.

Step 3

Apply sunscreen to your skin when going outdoors. Protecting your skin not only prevents the formation of new age spots, but also helps keep the treatments working properly. Mother Nature suggests applying a sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher, even on cloudy days.

Step 4

Opt for dermabrasion from your dermatologist. Dermabrasion uses a small rotating brush to remove surface skin cells on the age spot site, according to New skin then forms to take the place of the removed surface skin, leaving age spots lighter with every treatment.

Step 5

Apply the juice of 1/2 lemon or 1/2 red onion to your skin to fade age spots by safely removing the topmost layer of skin. According to Mother Nature, rubbing the juice into your skin twice daily for 6 to 8 months will cause age spots to fade.

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