Sunday, July 17, 2011

How to Remove Age Spots With Vitamin C


Age spots are darkened areas on the skin. They usually appear on the face, neck and hands. Age spots are caused by prolonged sun exposure and are accumulative. This means they can appear years after sun exposure, as your skin gets older and thinner. The best thing you can do to combat age spots is to protect your skin against the sun. if you already have spots, sunblock will prevent the spots from getting darker and new ones from appearing.

Step 1

Apply a vitamin C serum or lotion that contains at least 10-percent vitamin C as part of the composition. Otherwise, you might not see results. Apply as directed on the label, usually once or twice a day. Avoid products with no amount indicated on the label, as these are likely to be too weak to improve the age spots.

Step 2

Wait for the lotion or serum to dry, and then apply sunscreen if you're going outside. The combination of vitamin C and sunscreen will provide better protection against the damaging effects of the sun.

Step 3
Dab lemon juice, which is rich in vitamin C, directly on the spot, using a cotton ball. Wait for 15 minutes before rinsing off with cold water. Repeat twice a day until the spots lighten up.

Step 4

Take up to 500 mg of vitamin C daily. Because vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, it will help improve the health of your skin and keep it looking young and supple.

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