Friday, August 29, 2008

New anti-aging solutions explained

By Ed Biado
One thing holds true for all living things: We all grow old. Being the most intelligent of species, humans are finding ways to combat the effects of aging, or at the very least, defer it. Today, the hottest new things are facial brighteners and hand serums. They actually go hand-in-hand (no pun intended!) because they are the primary targets of skin aging. Even if you have the face of a 30-year-old but your hands are those of a 50-year-old’s, it’s still a dead giveaway, isn’t it? Lumedia, a new breakthrough in these categories, is taking the cosmeceutical industry by storm. Read on to find out why facial brighteners are replacing wrinkle creams and why hand serums are the next must-have.
1. Facial brighteners give the face a fresh, youthful glow. Botox and going under the knife do remove wrinkles but the skin remains dull. Facial brighteners like the Lumedia Facial Brightener work against dullness, making it the new quintessential anti-aging product in the market today.
2. “As we approach the age of 30 skin becomes duller,” explains Dr. Nathalie Chevreaux, Ph.D., RD, director of Women’s Health at Basic Research. “Skin starts to turn a kind of mousey brown, spottier and splotchier as it loses that warm, radiant, pinkish glow we used to have when we were kids. And interestingly enough, this change in skin tone and color can occur in all ethnic groups. Unfortunately, no injection, scalpel or filler can bring back the radiant glow of youth. That’s why facial brighteners are becoming so important.”
3. According to Heather Hurst of the Bremenn Research Labs in Salt Lake City, Utah, “Facial brighteners are cutting-edge skin care. They enhance the color of your skin, so you use less makeup, less concealer. And you don’t look like you’re trying too hard to hide your age. You just look naturally younger.”
4. Unlike simple age spot removers, new-generation facial brighteners are designed to be used over the entire face and help restore the color and a more youthful appearance by increasing the skin’s appearance. They make the user look younger by increasing their skin’s brightness scale and amplifying full-spectrum reflectivity, luminescence and clarity.
5. A clinical trial conducted by the lab resulted in participants report younger, brighter, more radiant-looking skin in 29 days of using Lumedia Facial Brightener.
6. Lumedia Serum for Hyperpigmented Spots is a new, concentrated formula specifically developed to combat severe hyperpigmented age spots and help return the skin on the back of the hands to an even, smooth, youthful-looking color and tone.
7. It’s a new combination of three powerful skin lighteners that dramatically reduce the concentrations of the skin pigment melanin, as well as targeting the enzymes that control their production.
8. Lumedia helps to quickly fade dark hyperpigmented problem areas, making it the ultimate solution for problem age spots and visible imperfections caused by sun and environmental damage.
9. In a clinical trial of Lumedia’s core compound, subjects (mean age of 40) with mild to severe age spots and/or hyperpigmented skin applied Lumedia twice a day for four months. The result? Visible improvement in the appearance of hyperpigmentation was seen in all test subjects (100 percent), while 89.5 percent saw a visible improvement in age spots.
10. In another double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, a group of women (average age of 58 years) applied a treatment cream containing the active Lumedia compound to one hand and a placebo cream to the other hand twice a day for two months. At the end of the study, 95 percent of the treated subjects experienced a visible decrease in hyperpigmentation in the treated hand.
Lumedia is locally distributed by Luxasia and is available at Rustan’s Essences and other leading vanity stores.

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